Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
Raju Mantina, NCBTMB

Live a Pain-Free Life

Treatment Of Acute and Chronic Injuries To Avoid Unnecessary Surgeries It is an inevitable fact that the soft tissue in our bodies deteriorates both as… Continue Reading

Treating Cancer Of the Spine

The diagnosis of cancer or tumor of a spine can be a devastating blow to a patient. In addition to the burden of living with… Continue Reading

Are You At Risk For Gout?

Gout occurs as a type of acute arthritis. It develops in an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a… Continue Reading

The Future Of Pain Management Is Now

Introducing Three Technologies That Can Help You Live Pain Free Ultrasonic Wave Technology Ultrasonic wave technology uses sound waves that you can’t hear to penetrate… Continue Reading

Spinal Decay/Degeneration

I Can’t Lie Down On My Back. I Cannot Look Up. Mr. Hill, a 72-year-old male, was under acupuncture care due to vertigo for one… Continue Reading

Slipped Disc

Slipped disc is a condition commonly seen in patients suffering from leg and back pain. It is important to understand its origin and its treatments…. Continue Reading

Genicular Nerve Ablation Procedure For Knee Pain

Chronic Knee Pain? The Genicular Nerve Ablation procedure can help you. Chronic knee pain may present as a: Constant ache Sharp, shooting pain when in… Continue Reading

Cupping Therapy: Older Than the Olympics

The Tokyo Olympic Games have brought renewed attention to cupping therapy, when Olympians on the Men’s swim and gymnastics teams were recently seen sporting the… Continue Reading

Managing Low Back Pain

Nearly every adult has experienced low back pain at some point in their life. It is not surprising that low back pain is the second… Continue Reading

Stressed? Why Not Try Something New?

If you’re experiencing chronic stress, you may be experiencing irritability, anxiety, depression, or insomnia. Stress produces physical and emotional symptoms. Over time, chronic stress can… Continue Reading

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