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Anthony T. Hardnett, DC

Effective Integrative Healthcare, LLC

Effective Integrative Healthcare – PG County
7400 Riverdale Road
Lanham, MD 20706

Effective Integrative Healthcare – Millersville
683 Old Mill Road
Millersville, MD 21108

Owner of Effective Integrative Healthcare, Effective Chiropractic Health & Wellness Center and Maryland Cryotherapy

Degrees, Training and Certificates: Bachelor’s in Biological Science; Doctorate of Chiropractic; National Board Certified in Part I, II, III, IV and PT; DAAMLP-Diplomate from American Academy of Medical Legal Professionals; BCIM-Board Certified in Integrated Medicine and DMBBP- Diplomate from College of Manipulative and Body Based Practices. Trained in the latest evidence-based Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Treatments. Certified in M.U.A’s.

Professional Memberships/Associations: MCA, ACA, NAACCC, WAACCC, AAMCP, ICA and AAIM.

Areas of Interest: Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, Personal Injury Specialist, Headaches, Disc injuries, Sports Related Conditions and Pinched Nerves.

Family/Hobbies/Interests: Enjoys spending time with the family, playing sports and learning all the latest treatments to keep people pain-free and healthy.

Call today for your free consultation.

Treatment available for all ages. Most insurances accepted. Affordable cash plans for those without insurance.

Same Day Appointments Available Monday – Saturday Hours!
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130