Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Editorial Calendar

Your HEALTH Magazine produces and distributes health information people need. When a person has a health problem, and they read about it in Your HEALTH, it encourages them to see that doctor or other health professional who provided the information. In addition to the vast amount of information in each edition, we produce special sections to focus on particular health topics each month.

JanuaryMEET YOUR LOCAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS – Biographical profiles highlight credentials, education, practice philosophy, and areas of interest. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
FebruaryCARDIO HEALTH & DIABETES – Professionals to help you keep your Heart Healthy, Diet in check, Diabetes under control, Quit Smoking, and Sleep Sound. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
MENTAL HEALTH – Profiles of local mental health professionals – Counselors, Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, plus treatments to help depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more (limited space available).
MarchCOMPLEMENTARY & INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE – Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, Acupuncture, Massage, Nutritional Supplements. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
COLON CANCER AWARENESS – March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
AprilBEAUTY, SKIN CARE & GORGEOUS SMILES – Dermatology, Aesthetics, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Eye Wear, and more! Featured on the cover (limited space available).
MayVISION and EYE CARE – New Technology, LASIK, Eye Glasses, Contacts, Other Vision Appliances, Surgery, Children, Adults and Seniors. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
SENIOR LIVING – Assisted Living, Retirement Planning, Retirement Communities, Finance, Legal Advice, Disability, Social Security. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
JunePAIN MANAGEMENT & REHABILITATION – Chronic pain is debilitating with significant consequences for the sufferer, their loved ones and their employers. Educating people about pain and where they can get help will make a difference. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
NEW HEALTH TECHNOLOGY – Everyone loves New Technology and your new technology deserves publishing in Your Health Magazine. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
JulyMEET YOUR LOCAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS – Biographical profiles highlight credentials, education, practice philosophy, and areas of interest. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
AugustWOMEN’S HEALTH – All the information women need about health. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
WOMEN IN HEALTHCARE – Plus profiles to highlight the important women involved in all areas of healthcare – from physicians and nurses to pharmacists and office support staff (limited space).
SeptemberDENTAL HEALTH – Dentists, Cosmetic Dentistry, TMJ, Periodontists, Orthodontists, Oral Surgeons, Endodontists and more. Because everyone needs a dentist! Featured on the cover (limited space).
WEIGHT CONTROL, EXERCISE & NUTRITION – Gyms, nutrition and diet plans, weight loss, surgical alternatives, to help affect America’s out-of-control weight problem. Featured on the cover (limited space).
OctoberCANCER AWARENESS – Prevention, early detection and surviving cancer. Information for men and women, and their families, and professionals who can provide help. Featured on the cover (limited space).
NEW HEALTH TECHNOLOGY – Everyone loves New Technology and your new technology deserves publishing in Your Health Magazine. Featured on the cover (limited space available).
NovemberBEAUTY, SKIN CARE & GORGEOUS SMILES – Dermatology, Aesthetics, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Eye Wear, and more! Featured on the cover (limited space available).
DecemberHEALTHY HOLIDAYS plus NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! – Professionals to help you and your family have a happy, healthy Holiday Season, plus professionals to help you lose weight, get fit, and eat better in the New Year!
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