Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

The Ingrown Nail

The ingrown nail involves the production of an abnormal corner nailplate. This growth presses upon the soft tissues and causes pain, inflammation and finally infection…. Continue Reading

Why Does My Back Ache?

Question: In the last week, have you had any pain affecting your muscles, joints, neck, or back which has affected your ability to carry out… Continue Reading

Over-the-Counter Medicines and Drug Interactions

Every day, millions of Americans use over-the-counter medicines for relief from headache or arthritis pain, coughs and colds, flu, and upset stomach. These over-the-counter medicines… Continue Reading

Cosmetic Dentistry

Who doesn’t want to look their best? Who doesn’t want a good-looking smile? Your family dentist is the key professional who can help you have… Continue Reading

Karl A. Smith, DDS, MS

Your Beautiful Smile Investment Is Protected by Complete Periodontal Health

Hollywood stars know the power of a beautiful smile. Celebrities seem to have perfect teeth, but just like the rest of us, they’ve had a… Continue Reading

Braces Consultation: Assessment and Treatment

Do you have 60 minutes or less to do something that doesn’t cost you anything but can change your life forever? That’s all the time… Continue Reading

Psychiatric Disabilities and Employment

Employment, for most of us, has a practical and symbolic significance. Work is a mechanism used to provide basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing…. Continue Reading

Children’s Health and Spring Time

For most children spring means more outdoor activities. For their parents, this means being extra vigilant to keep your child safe and healthy. Learning about… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Meditation

Truly effective acupuncture treatment involves more than going to see your acupuncturist and receiving a needle treatment. Starting acupuncture treatment helps to open the door… Continue Reading

Judy Yu, DMD, MBA


Invisalign clear aligners are designed to correct mild to moderate alignment issues, including: Overcrowded teeth Twisted teeth Overlapping teeth Bite issues Additionally, these aligners are… Continue Reading

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