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Women and Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)

A 45 year old female patient visited her clinic and complained of her chronic tailbone symptom. She stated that she did not get injured at… Continue Reading

Non- Medication Alternatives for Pain Relief

There are many different ways to relieve pain without medication. From chiropractic adjustments to acupuncture, there is an alternative treatment out there for everyone.  This… Continue Reading

No Cost Dental Treatment For Disabled Veterans

According to USA Today, at the end of 2018, more than five million Veterans had at least one disability. Serving your country to protect and… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

COVID Final Straw in Deaths

Paying attention to trends in COVID-19 is something most people are still doing on a regular basis and trying to base some of their activities… Continue Reading

Continuum Of Care Offers a Better Quality Of Life For Dementia Patients

According to some estimates, around 5.8 million people in the United States suffer from dementia-related diseases. An additional 5.6 million age 65 and older are… Continue Reading

Conditions that Affect TMJ Disorder and Other Comorbidities

With many TMJ disorders, there oftentimes exist other problems that add to the mix – these are called comorbidities. When understanding a TMJ disorder, it… Continue Reading

Aging Gracefully: Four Powerful Tips

Although the body is a very sophisticated wonderful machine there is a point where it will need fixing to continue to run well. No matter… Continue Reading

Forgiveness Does Not Require a Party Of Two

If the person who mistreated you never changed or accepted accountability for their actions, would you be okay with gaining years on your life, and… Continue Reading

Mindset Does Matter!

Did you know that your approach to life and anything you do in life has to do with your mindset? What you think, believe and… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

COVID-19: One Subvariant After Another

If you’re paying attention to the current conversation about COVID-19 you’re going to hear a lot about the potential for upcoming surges of the CoV2/Omicron/BA.5… Continue Reading

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