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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jay Cho, DC, LAc, FIAMA
Women and Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)
Active Care Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Women and Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)

Women and Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)

A 45 year old female patient visited her clinic and complained of her chronic tailbone symptom. She stated that she did not get injured at all, but the pain persisted. She was taking medication to relieve the symptoms, but there was no obvious diagnosis, and the pain was still there after six months.

Take another case of a 36 year old female graphic designer who stated that she had been experiencing tailbone pain for around four months. It got worse recently and she could not sit for long due to the pain and discomfort, affecting her job and enjoyment of life.

There are more women than you think that are experiencing coccydynia (tailbone pain). The most common cause is a falling injury. When falling on your tailbone (coccyx), it can be moved or twisted. Then, it will pull or damage the ligaments or tendons and become inflamed with bruising.

Some patients are young mothers who gave birth within the past year, and they experience coccydynia. Just prior to childbirth, the hormone relaxin is secreted to release tension in the entire pubic area, including the pelvic joints and ligaments, and loosen up all pelvic joints. Sometimes, it can be a reason that causes tailbone pain if the pelvis ligament tension remains weak after childbirth.

There are many other cases, without injury or childbirth, such as excessive sitting, inflammation, prostate tumor, and improper sitting posture that can cause tailbone pain.

A damaged or twisted coccyx and/or weakened pelvis ligaments should be taken care of by a professional provider with proper adjustments, physical therapy, and therapeutic exercises if needed.

Medications can offer short term relief, but if the problem persists, you need to see a professional who understands and specializes in this area and get on a care plan to properly care for your tailbone, if you don’t want to suffer more.

There are ways to reduce the risk of tailbone pain including: no prolonged sitting, avoid sitting on hard surfaces and exercising regularly. If you have to sit for a long time because you are a student or desk worker, it is recommended that you use a cushion for sitting.

If you’re experiencing prolonged tailbone pain, seeing your chiropractor is a great first step to getting both short and long term relief. Why live in pain if you don’t have to?
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