Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Exercise and Proper Nutrition Keys to Success in 2014

Exercise will build muscle, increase your energy, and give you an overall feeling of well-being, but without adding proper nutrition and diet, you won't visibly… Continue Reading

Years Come and Years Go

A lot of changes occurred in 2013. We had good times and not so good times. We got sick and we healed. We had situations… Continue Reading

Get Moving Into the New Year

The quartet of eating well, getting enough sleep, moving our bodies daily and having a positive attitude is a winning combination. When we incorporate fitness… Continue Reading

Overweight and Iron Deficiency

We all know about that iron deficiency can lead to anemia, however new research suggests that up to 50% of healthy young women may have… Continue Reading

Why Are You Overweight?

Here are some reasons you may be overweight You may have genes that make you inclined to be heavy. You probably had some overweight ancestors…. Continue Reading

Putting a Stop To Middle-Age Spread

The period between the ages of 30 and 40 can be an exciting time of change, opportunity, prosperity and positive personal growth. But, at the… Continue Reading

Ten Percent In 2014

New Years Resolution 2009 I will go on the Pritkin diet and go to the gym once a week until I get my weight down… Continue Reading

How To Gain Weight and Keep It On During the Holidays

Research suggests that Americans gain an average of 0.4 to 1.8 pounds each year during their adult lives. Most of that weight gain (0.8 lb)… Continue Reading

Beat Winter Weight Gain

It is easy to gain weight when several holidays are packed into shorter days. But winter can bring a bevy of fitness opportunities while warming… Continue Reading

Bicycle Sizing and Fit

Bicycle sizing and fit is considered part science and part art. If the cyclist has the correct sized frame, then fitting the cyclist to the… Continue Reading

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