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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Years Come and Years Go
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Years Come and Years Go

A lot of changes occurred in 2013. We had good times and not so good times. We got sick and we healed. We had situations that made us not so strong, and some that made us very strong. We had trials and tribulations that tested our faith, trust, integrity, love of another, our country, our fellow man and self.

H – is for halleluiah, the powers that be, whatever you call that power, God, Jehovah, Allah, Master, Jesus, Buddha or your personal name.

A – is for another chance to start over or to continue from where you left off. When you are on the right path continue on in the positive light that will not only benefit you but others as well.

P – is for people, places and possibilities. You did not get to where you are without the help of other people and the places you had to go to get to where you are.

P – is for pleasure, pain and programming. Pleasure comes from your accomplishments and the pain comes when your perception of the situation did not ful?ll your expectation.

Y – is for yes, I made it through the trials and tribulations of the past years and I will continue to grow and develop my strength, stamina, will power, determination and knowledge.

N – is for the New Year 2014. It brings with it promises of good things to come according to what I perceive good to be, my perception of good from my healthy positive thoughts.

E – is for exercising the mind, body, spirit and soul.

W – is for words that have power and meaning. When speaking to the self, speak with love, respect, knowledge, patience and kindness.

Y – is for yoga. Yoga stimulates and activates all the systems in the body. Yoga heals the body, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. Yoga aids in digestion, calms nerves, helps with insomnia, constipation, and helps to reduce weight.

E – is for ears are listening when you speak. Speak with kindness, consideration, truth and knowledge. Say things that uplift not tear down. Say words that are inspiring.

A – is for amen. Thank you to the Powers that be.

R – is for rest, relax and retreat. Be still, stop talking, and turn off the radio, cell phone and TV. Take time to retreat into silence. Relax your mind, body, spirit and soul.

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