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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Laura Stewart
Get Moving Into the New Year
Jazzercise - Capital Clubhouse

Get Moving Into the New Year

The quartet of eating well, getting enough sleep, moving our bodies daily and having a positive attitude is a winning combination.

When we incorporate fitness into our daily activities, we are that much more vital and energetic. Consistency is the key to being healthy and fit. However you like to get your body moving, keep it going all through the year. Here are some ideas to help turn daily tasks into opportunities to keep yourself in good shape

Walk to work or at least in from the parking lot. Weather permitting, park as far away from your company's door as possible. You'll burn more calories than usual and the fresh air will calm your mind in preparation for your day. Walking back to your car at the end of the day, you'll have an extra few minutes to let go of work thoughts and get ready for your home life.

Personal Delivery E-mail is convenient but at times it's good to talk face-to-face with co-workers, and that can also be good for your health. A walk around the office gets your blood circulating. Time away from your desk or office will help you bring a fresh perspective to your work. And, whenever possible, take the stairs for a little more exercise.

Chat on the Go Join a friend for a “walk and talk” in a park or at your group fitness exercise class. Afterwards, enjoy a healthy snack of nuts and dried fruit.

Walk your Dog Sure, it's wonderful to have children or a spouse walk the dog for you, but if you do it yourself, you'll get fresh air, “alone time” to decompress, and your dog will love the exercise too!

“Housercise” Housework can be a great form of exercise and your home gets spruced up along the way. Sweeping, mopping and vacuuming floors tones your obliques and your abs. Turn on your favorite music, sing along and have some fun. While in the kitchen, do side bends and lunges while cooking.

Work Outdoors Shoveling the driveway, raking leaves or mowing the lawn all use muscles in your back, shoulders, arms, obliques, abs and legs. Both you and your yard will look fabulous and you'll feel great knowing you did it all by yourself.

Dance Whether you go to a club, shimmy around your living room alone, or attend a dance fitness class, you will be getting a great workout. Let your inhibitions go and have a blast.
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