Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Getting Fit At 50 and Beyond

What if you used to be really fit and now you're not? What if, as the years have gone by, you've added a couple of… Continue Reading

Pros and Cons Getting Your Burn On With Your Spouse

Now that you're more than a month into your health and fitness goals for the year, you might be thinking it's time to spice up… Continue Reading

What Is an Exercise Physiologist?

The spring season is upon us making this the time of year to take advantage of the wide range of exercise opportunities available to improve… Continue Reading

Jumpstart a Healthy Diet

The holidays have come and gone, but the repercussions of stress eating, overeating and increased alcohol consumption may still remain. Since weight loss and healthy… Continue Reading

Five Reasons People Overeat

When you eat past full you are using food to fulfill a need for 1. Energy – a need for more energy 2. Company –… Continue Reading

Exercise vs. Medicine

Regular physical activity can help ward off a host of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease and mild depression. In addition to… Continue Reading

Is Pain Slowing You Down As You Age?

Many of my patients complain that as they age their joints begin to ache, their energy has declined and they simply don't feel as “good”… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Novel Approaches To Weight Loss

The holidays are over and you might find yourself wondering where the extra pounds and inches came from as you stare at or avoid the… Continue Reading

Strength Training Women's Secret Sauce to Looking, Feeling Great

Strength Training isn't just for body builders, fitness competitors and men. Building strength is for every mom, businesswoman and female over 30 who wants to… Continue Reading

Why Is It So Difficult to Lose Weight?

We have all been on a diet at sometime in our life. We deprive and discipline ourselves for days, weeks and even months to achieve… Continue Reading

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