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Suite 180
Annapolis, MD 21403
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More Weight Control, Nutrition & Exercise Articles
Novel Approaches To Weight Loss
The holidays are over and you might find yourself wondering where the extra pounds and inches came from as you stare at or avoid the mirror.
Medical evidence has linked obesity to health and life expectancy. Being overweight contributes to the development of heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer.
What is overlooked is why being overweight contributes to disease. The common link is a vicious circle Being overweight and especially abdominal belly (also called visceral) fat creates insulin resistance and inflammation, which contribute to the development of heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and cancer.
Unfortunately dieting and losing weight permanently is not easy, and the data demonstrate that we are way more likely to slowly gain weight over the course of life, with temporary dips. This has to do with the fact that human beings evolved in times when famine was more likely than plenty, so many of us are designed to store energy (as fat) rather than lose it.
So to deal with this fact we have to be smart and there are approaches that can help us defeat this tendency.
Certain issues must be addressed
1. Underlying sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, anemia, and nutritional deficiencies can make it difficult to lose weight.
2. Exercise Muscle burns calories much more than fat. Every pound of muscle uses around 50 extra calories a day. If you have lots of fat and little muscle mass it takes few calories to maintain body weight.
3. Paying attention to the glycemic index of foods (roughly, how easily the food raises blood sugar) will help with weight loss.
4. Medications can produce weight gain and fatigue.
5. It is critical to examine how we eat to make ourselves happy, to get relief, to reward and to distract ourselves etc.
A very effective approach to losing weight is using very small injections of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with a low calorie diet to produce rapid and lasting significant weight loss. This is a safe and effective method. There are scientific studies both supporting and questioning this method. However my experience is that this works, especially with people who have been struggling with weight for a long time. And the thinking is that this approach tricks the brain into releasing fat and resetting the metabolism thermostat, to achieve long term weight loss.
Using low level safe laser frequencies to cause fat cells to release fat can quickly allow for loss of 4-8 inches of waist circumference in four weeks, without pain or surgery. This approach is achieved with an FDA approved device called the iLipo. When combined with a smart diet and exercise program this approach can help people achieve goals for weight and appearance.
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