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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.
What Is an Exercise Physiologist?
La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.

What Is an Exercise Physiologist?

The spring season is upon us making this the time of year to take advantage of the wide range of exercise opportunities available to improve your heart health. Public health professionals and the American College of Sports Medicine recommends moderate activity for healthy individuals about five days per week based on findings and recommendations by the American Heart Association and the Surgeon General.

Though some exercise is without a doubt better than no exercise, being proactive about your heart health is more than committing to the lifestyle changes and habits of exercising. Knowing what is appropriate for your individual body is extremely important.

It is vital to understand if and how you can use exercise in a safe manner at your greatest potential to achieve your greatest benefit. In order to obtain the safest cardiovascular and total body benefit out of your exercise routines, it is highly recommended for individuals to consider beginning with a physical exam administered by a physician.

Physicians are able to determine if the individual is physically ready for light, moderate or vigorous activity. Consider utilizing the services of an exercise physiologist if you have any concerns after the physical exam.

Exercise physiologists will be able to monitor heart rate and blood pressure as well as make full recommendations based on the individual who may or may not have risk factors. Exercise physiologists can provide individually tailored exercise prescriptions in a supportive, happy, and safe environment.

Let this be the beginning of caring for your heart with a little guidance from an exercise professional. February has already set the tone for embracing love for significant others and family, why not embrace the same level of love and caring for your heart?
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