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Calories In Equal Calories Out

Is losing weight as simple as the equation; calories in = calories out? There may be more that we need to consider on an individual… Continue Reading

Win the Weight Loss Power Struggle

Do you feel like you are in a “fight-to-the-death” power struggle with your body over your weight? Perhaps you feel like you have already lost… Continue Reading

Weight Loss For Life

Have you been on that yo-yo diet? Calorie restriction, lots of exercising, and no carbs, only to feel exhausted? Taken the latest fat burning pills… Continue Reading

Your Last Diet

A 2005 Gallup poll revealed that the average woman has tried to lose weight 10 times. So why is it so difficult? We all know… Continue Reading

Diet Doldrums? Ten Questions To Ask Yourself

When weight management goes astray, it is important to look at different aspects of the process of losing weight. When you feel weak-willed and undisciplined,… Continue Reading

Sprouted Flour and Zucchini Team Up

Many of my clients avoid processed grain these days because the glycemic load aggravates insulin resistance or causes unwanted weight gain. Still, I sometimes miss… Continue Reading

Four Stages Of Weight Loss

A good weight loss program should have a specific protocol with specific stages. The initial phase is the primary weight loss phase. During this phase,… Continue Reading

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere!

The dangers of too much sugar have been well documented being linked to everything from tooth decay to hypoglycemia, diabetes, and obesity. Considering that our… Continue Reading

Is Insulin Making Me Fat?

Probably. This article will talk about insulin resistance and its related problem called syndrome X or metabolic syndrome. As you probably know insulin is the… Continue Reading

Exercise and Obesity

How many of us made another New Year's resolution about weight loss? According to recent studies, there are currently 58 million overweight Americans. If obesity… Continue Reading

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