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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Andrea Smith, CHHC, LMT
Sugar, Sugar Everywhere!
Andrew M. Sklar, DDS, PC

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere!

The dangers of too much sugar have been well documented being linked to everything from tooth decay to hypoglycemia, diabetes, and obesity. Considering that our taste/desire for sugar does not seem to be subsiding (in fact, Americans now consume roughly 180 pounds of sugar per person/year compared to 12 pounds/person/year in the early 1800s), the need for a safe, natural, great tasting sweetener that doesn't lead to health problems is more critical than ever. Among the various options available, xylitol, a natural sweetener that can be extracted from any woody, fibrous plant and also occurs naturally in our body during normal metabolism, is a standout. Here are some of the many reasons why

Xylitol is just as sweet as table sugar, with no unpleasant aftertaste.

It provides about 40 percent fewer calories than sugar.

Because of its insulin-independent nature meaning the body doesn't require insulin to metabolize xylitol – it may be used as sugar alternative for diabetics (on advice of their healthcare provider). It has been the preferred sweetener for diabetics since the 1960s in Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Japan.

Xylitol is slowly absorbed and metabolized and won't raise blood sugar like regular sugar.

Xylitol has antimicrobial properties, inhibiting oral bacteria and preventing the bacteria from sticking to the teeth.

Since xylitol does not break down like sugar, it can help maintain a neutral pH level in the mouth.

It has been shown to increase salivary flow and to aid in the repair of damaged tooth enamel. Over 40 years of research and thousands of studies confirm its effectiveness and safety, making it one of the newest, easiest, and tastiest ways that people can reduce plaque formation and help prevent cavities.

Animal studies suggest that it may also improve and maintain bone density.

Xylitol helps prevent the harmful bacteria that cause upper respiratory infections from sticking to the tissue, and adding it to saline nasal sprays and Neti pots has been shown to make them much more effective at helping ear infections in children, sinus infections in adults, and asthma and allergies in people of all ages.

Xylitol products are ideal and readily available for use in cooking and baking. Xylitol won't break down with heat like some other sweeteners, and since it has the same sweetness as sugar, it can be substituted 1 1.
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