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Falls Church, VA 22044
(703) 237-0404
More Weight Control, Nutrition & Exercise Articles
Weight Loss For Life
Have you been on that yo-yo diet? Calorie restriction, lots of exercising, and no carbs, only to feel exhausted? Taken the latest fat burning pills or tried the diet in the box, only to gain the weight back within a month? Do you want to know why?
Starting from a young age, our diets are rich in carbohydrates. Cereals and fruits as infants, then crackers and Cheerios as toddlers. Packed lunches usually include bread or cookies. Go to any restaurant, and the first thing they give you is a basket of bread. Carbohydrates are simply glucose (sugar). They are not only in breads, but also in fruits and some veggies. Carbohydrates are the quickest energy source of the body. When the body digests carbohydrates, it breaks them down into glucose molecules. When the body detects sugar, it stimulates the pancreas to make insulin to get it out of the blood and into the organs for energy. If the body is not using it for energy, it then shuttles it into the fat cells, and you gain weight. If you keep eating a diet high in carbs, the pancreas gets tired and makes less insulin. The sugar does not get shuttled without the insulin and, therefore, gets stored as fat the result is diabetes and again, weight gain… It’s as simple as that.
The solution? Shift the body to go after this stored fat for energy instead of the carbs.
The basic principal of this medically proven, doctor supervised weight loss method is this the body employs energy from three reserves carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The quickest and easiest place to get energy is carbs. When depleted, the body turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves. How do we get it to go after fat? Feed the body substantial, high-quality protein while restricting sugars (simple and complex). This compels the body to consume its fat reserves until 100 percent of your weight loss goal is achieved. It’s that simple!
This method is a medically designed protocol that results in rapid fat loss while sparing the muscle mass. This program has FDA approval and is only available through trained health care professionals
Losing weight can be a tough battle, but the real challenge is keeping it off. You must learn to eat not only smarter, but healthier. When you begin this program, you will be assigned a personal weight loss coach. Your coach will assist you through all phases of weight loss and a transition into regular eating habits that will allow you to maintain your weight. You will learn habits that will assist you in keeping the excess pounds off after dieting. You will learn how your body fat is burned and the relationship between insulin and weight gain, as well as when and in what combination to eat carbs, fats, and proteins. Most importantly, you will learn which foods are best suited for healthy weight management that will last a lifetime; this WILL be your LAST diet.
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