Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Acupuncture and Women's Weight Loss

Acupuncturetreatment can help women achieve weightreduction and menstrual improvement. This is accomplished through its ability to help regulate levels of the hormone leptin, the thyroid… Continue Reading

Soy Health Benefits

The benefits of soy protein have been widely publicized, yet most Americans rarely eat soy-based foods. Adding soy to a daily diet promotes good health… Continue Reading

Walk Your Way To Good Health

Less than half of all U.S. adults get enough physical activity to improve their health. For substantial health benefits, it is recommended that adults get… Continue Reading

Injury Care

Acute injuries occur suddenly during activities. Examples of acute injuries include a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand. When you have an acute injury… Continue Reading

How Will Yoga Therapy Help Me?

Do you suffer from any of the following issues work related pain and injuries, recurring pain from old injuries, sports injuries or falls? Arthritis, posture… Continue Reading

Eat Guilt-Free This Holiday Season

Don't wait until after the holidays to start working out. Avoid the winter weight gain by starting your workout routine before you start eating your… Continue Reading

Fitness Shouldn't Be Frightening Getting Past What Scares You About Working Out

If you associate gyms with the likes of a haunted house, believe personal trainers are as scary as zombies and find running on the treadmill… Continue Reading

Diet Tips To Get a Flat Belly Fast

Everybody has belly fat, even thin people. We need it to provide necessary cushioning around our organs. But if you've had children, are hitting the… Continue Reading

Hypnosis For Lasting Behavioral Change

Most weight control issues are caused by three main factors Emotional issues and comfort eating Lack of exercise intensity Unhealthy food choices You can successfully… Continue Reading

About the EPOC Workout Plan

In a healthy workout, there are five “heart rate zones that you should be aware of. These are measured in percentages of your maximum heart… Continue Reading

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