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More Weight Control, Nutrition & Exercise Articles
Hypnosis For Lasting Behavioral Change
Most weight control issues are caused by three main factors
Emotional issues and comfort eating
Lack of exercise intensity
Unhealthy food choices
You can successfully control your weight and keep a healthy body weight by conquering all three issues together. This can be difficult and may require you to seek assistance.
Hypnotherapy is a holistic tool that can help with weight management when combined with exercise and healthy food planning. It can help to identify emotional issues at the root of the problem, and strengthen your motivation to make better food and exercise choices.
If you are overweight, you have plenty of company. Obesity is the number one public health crisis today, and it also has a high emotional cost for the individual.
According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics
67% of adults over 20 are overweight, and 35.7% of those are classified as obese
18% of adolescents, 15% of children 6-11 years old, and 11% of children 2-5 years old are overweight
Obesity adds an average of $179,000 to an overweight individual's lifetime healthcare cost
It is a major cause of high blood pressure, heart disease, knee and joint injury, stroke, diabetes, and more
It can shorten lifespan by 10 to 20 years or more
Most people think that if you are overweight you just need to go on a diet, but the failure rate of diets is around 90-95%. The diet industry makes over $50 billion a year, because even if people do succeed in losing a few pounds, they tend to put it right back on, and morethe so-called yo-yo effect that plagues our nation year after year.
In order to create lasting change in your life, you have to provide commitment. Hypnosis can help you understand the reasons behind your eating, and works with your subconscious mind to give you the tools needed to change your internal programming.
Emotional Issues The root of the problem
Most people have some kind of an emotional issue underlying their weight problem due to things like stress at work, unhappy relationships, abuse, economic problems, chronic stress and sleep disturbances, repressed issues from the past or just boredom and pleasure seeking behaviors.
Feeling good about who you are is the goal. It is all about commitment to yourself and changing your internal “self talk”. Hypnosis is not a magic bullet, you have to make the effort of bringing about changes in your life, but when you change your thinking you alter your lifelong habits, you can also change your physiology.
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