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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Wayne Andersen, DO, MD
Soy Health Benefits

Soy Health Benefits

The benefits of soy protein have been widely publicized, yet most Americans rarely eat soy-based foods. Adding soy to a daily diet promotes good health in both women and men.

Today, American women are struggling to stay healthy. As a result, many women are experiencing increasing levels of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. With declining estrogen levels many women are finding it more difficult to maintain their trim figure.

Soy helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The Japanese are the thinnest, longest living people in the world and their diet primarily consists of soy and fish combined with a very low intake of animal and dairy fat. New research has shown that soy can help decrease the amount of fat your body stores, increase muscle mass, increase the rate at which your fat cells burn stored fat and soy makes you feel full because it is a low-glycemic food that minimizes insulin fluctuations. Soy also helps reduce cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart disease, improves breast and endometrial health, helps to reduce menopausal and premenstrual symptoms among others.

Soy can have similarly magnificent effects on men's health as well. Evidence from over 40 studies suggests that a diet rich in soy protein plays a substantial role in the promotion of a healthy prostate. In fact, geographic areas of highest soy consumption exhibit the lowest mortality rates from prostate cancer.

Soy helps promote healthy prostate tissues while towering the risk of heart disease for men. Men with or without a history of prostate problems can benefit from the addition of soy to their diets. The FDA, American Heart Association, and leading health experts recommend that Americans eat more soy to lower their cholesterol and protect their hearts. Studies also show soy helps you lose weight by blocking the storage of fat.

You should consume 3-6 servings of traditional soy foods per day for maximum benefit. If you can't modify your diet enough to achieve this level, try soy-based meal replacements. They give the highest quality of soy protein and provide convenient and great tasting alternatives. Your goal is to have at least 25 grams of soy a day. According to the FDA, 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.
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