Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Massage Therapy For Physical Health and Emotional Well-Being

Massage is the application of manipulating soft tissues in the body. It not only has relaxation benefits but can also help reduce pain, reduce inflammation,… Continue Reading

4 Things You Should Know About Colon Cancer

Most people go through life without much thought of colon health. Though there may be jokes and puns aplenty, the state of your colon is… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

COVID Immunity – Do the Math

If you’re a normal human being in America, you are having a great deal of trouble finding out what’s really going on with COVID-19, masks,… Continue Reading

LaSondra Gray, CMLSO, CNNC

3 Innovative Technologies For Your Customized Beauty Plan

Does the way you look on the outside no longer match how you feel on the inside? As the years go by we inevitably start… Continue Reading

The Path To Better Posture

Whenever you want to learn something, you have the choice of trying on your own or of seeking out a teacher and a teaching. If… Continue Reading

Cavities and Your Child’s School Performance

Thank goodness, I am so excited! I can’t believe summer is over. Where did the time go? No more sleeping in, I guess. Do any… Continue Reading

Good Postures For Your Lower Back

Many questions arise frequently from patients who are concerned with daily postures like “How do I lie when I sleep?”, “Are there any tips when… Continue Reading

Braces vs. Invisalign

Which Is Right For You? Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry specializing in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of jaw, face and bite irregularities, known… Continue Reading

Genevieve Lightfoot-Taylor, MSN, CFNP, ACHPN

Four Levels Of Hospice Care

One of the biggest misconceptions about hospice care is that it is a place. For the most part, people do not “go to” hospice. Rather… Continue Reading

3 Key Trends/Tips

Style and Enhance Your Look In 2021 If you’re like most of us, finally making your way back to the salon, and consistently apologizing to… Continue Reading

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