Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

High Blood Pressure Can Affect Your Vision

Most people know high blood pressure and other vascular diseases pose risks to overall health, but many may not know that high blood pressure can… Continue Reading

How To Integrate TMJ Disorder Into Total Healthcare

It would be really great if your PCP (primary care physician) would recognize that in the process of doing the yearly exam for a patient,… Continue Reading

6 Things To Consider Before Going to an Orthodontist in Glastonbury

Whether you’re looking to correct misaligned teeth, fix an overbite, or improve your oral health, choosing the right orthodontist is crucial. With so many options… Continue Reading

What Does A Day Look Like In Rehab?

Taking the decision to check into rehab when suffering from addiction is such a huge step. And such an important one. It’s the first step… Continue Reading

Stem-Ross Weight Loss Center

Fuel Your Weight Loss

The Importance of Not Skipping Meals and Getting Enough Protein Weight loss is a common goal for many, and while cutting calories is essential, it’s… Continue Reading

14 Benefits of Diversity in Healthcare

It is widely known that diversity positively impacts several health and social outcomes. However, healthcare institutions often need to realize how important it is ns… Continue Reading

Suffering From Poor Sleep?

The Signs You Might Have Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It is a… Continue Reading

Car Crashes Can Be a Real ‘Pain In the Neck’

Have you or someone you know had a “pain in the neck” after a car crash? This is not to be taken lightly as if… Continue Reading

The Silent Killer that May Be Lurking in Your Home

Colorless, odorless, and tasteless, radon is a radioactive gas that cannot be detected by human senses. Prolonged exposure to it is the second leading cause… Continue Reading

The Simple Healing Benefits Of Light Via Phototherapy For The Body

An Ancient Healing Modality for Modern Times The science of phototherapy using light to enhance health and well being has been around for over 100… Continue Reading

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