Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Making Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

When the new year begins, many people begin to think of the positive changes they’d like to create in their lives. But, after that initial… Continue Reading

Bariatric Surgery and Medical Expenses

Bariatric surgery is the field of surgery that specializes in metabolic and weight loss procedures, such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. The procedures serve… Continue Reading

Nurture Your Digestion To Enjoy Holiday Goodies

A season of thankfulness, gratefulness, and relationships are upon us. The atmosphere will transition to be lighter and graceful with sentiments of peace. The food… Continue Reading

Advancements In Liposuction

As patients are always looking for the best ways to improve appearance, the industry is always looking for ways to deliver better results. Many patients… Continue Reading

LaSondra Gray, CMLSO, CNNC

DNA Testing For Weight Loss

Understanding your DNA can help you live healthier, and it can even help you lose weight. Every person has a specific genetic propensity towards how… Continue Reading

Weight Loss and Nutrition: A Quick Fix?

Weight loss takes work. But the work does not have to be hard and taxing. Here are some thought-provoking processes to help guide your nutrition… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Weight Loss: Safe and Effective Approaches and Hidden Causes

Though many reading this article right now may have struggled with weight loss, one thing is indisputable: any body can lose weight. For each person… Continue Reading

The COVID Weight Gain

COVID-19…the year of the massive weight gain. How much weight did you gain over the last year? We’re calling it, the COVID weight gain. Eating… Continue Reading

Vitamin D and Viral Immunity

Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the United States. There have been some studies that revealed people who had vitamin D deficiency were more… Continue Reading

Clean Living: An Important Truth You Need To Know

Are you concerned about clean living? To many people, clean living is about staying mindful – mindful of what you put in and on your… Continue Reading

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