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Sherry Maragh, MD
Advancements In Liposuction
Maragh Dermatology, Surgery & Vein Institute
. https://maraghdermatology.com/

Advancements In Liposuction

Advancements In Liposuction

As patients are always looking for the best ways to improve appearance, the industry is always looking for ways to deliver better results. Many patients have fat tissue deposits which don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise, and Cynosure Corporation has continued to improve its Smartlipo™ system to meet the demands of patients and doctors.

The latest advancement is called Smartlipo Triplex™, which can treat packets of stubborn fat tissue better than the predecessor devises Cynosure has produced.

Laser liposuction (also called laser lipolysis or laser liposculpture) has been a buzzword in beauty circles for nearly a decade. The new device improves on skin tightening and fat removal, usually in one session, with little or no sedation and less downtime.

The new Smartlipo Triplex laser combines three lasers in one device, reducing bleeding, skin tightening, and greater absorption and destruction of unwanted fat cells.

Previous technology only incorporated one wavelength for good results the new Smartlipo Triplex offers three combined wavelengths for optimal results in the removal of unwanted fat and skin tightening in one procedure while the patient is still awake.

The procedure is performed in office under light sedation with local anesthesia. One or two small incision holes are made in the treatment areas to insert the laser. The suction device to remove the lasered fat is inserted through the same holes. The procedure may take 1–2 hours depending on the size of the treatment area. Patients return to work in two days and can resume exercise in 10 to 14 days. Results are seen within one week and continue to improve over 3–6 months.

Take a look at these before and after images to see the possible results for yourself.

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