Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Behavioral Supports Reduce Adult ADHD Heartache Promote Career / Relationship Success

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattention. Commonly diagnosed during childhood and… Continue Reading

Somebody's Sweetheart

Valentines Day brings a celebration of love and stirs couples to rekindle feelings of romance and devotion. Not so different from young couples are aging… Continue Reading

Understanding Weight and Obesity

Now that the holidays are over, it is time to think about the New Year. Many of our lists may include health and wellness as… Continue Reading

New Year, New Vision

We are entering into a new year, 2012. Oh, how wonderful, we get to start fresh with a New Year! This is a time of… Continue Reading

Imagine a New Year With Yoga

The New Year beckons us to make promises of renewal commitments to healthier practices, improved organization, controlled finances, and deliberation in relationships. While we intend… Continue Reading

Help Combat Childhood Obesity

Recent research shows one out of every three children is now considered overweight or obese, partially due to their sedentary lives. Children spend much of… Continue Reading

Wellness vs. Medical Care

What's the main difference between wellness care and standard medical care? Wellness care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability, not by adding something… Continue Reading

Low Back Pain From Disc Herniation

Disc herniations can cause disproportionate fear in the patient's mind when they receive this diagnosis. Often, patients fear that their only resolution to disc related… Continue Reading

Healthier You In 2012

Would you like to lose weight and optimize your health in 2012? This can be the year that you make significant progress in creating a… Continue Reading

Inappropriate Touch

Children today grow up in a world where the distinction of what is or is not appropriate touch is not always clear-cut and specifically defined…. Continue Reading

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