Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Look As Young As You Feel

Cosmetic acupuncture has attracted great attention in the last few years, especially in the big cities like New York City and Los Angeles. It used… Continue Reading

Angela Tarjick, DC

Chiropractic and a Vitalistic Lifestyle

Chiropractors have long been known for the success they have eliminating back pain, neck pain, headaches and other musculoskeletal disorders, but understanding the philosophy of… Continue Reading

Essential Oils For Beautifying All Of You

We have all experienced being in the presence of true beauty, haven't we? It's that person that walks by glowing from head to toe with… Continue Reading

Ade Adetunji, DPM

Diabetic Foot and Signs

Complications due to diabetes are the #1 cause of lower-leg amputations and account for nearly 86,000 amputations per year. Doctors estimate almost 50% of these… Continue Reading

Managing Diabetes Integrating Natural Approaches

Diabetes is a growing epidemic. Diabetes, defined as high, uncontrolled blood sugar levels, is linked to heart disease, kidney disease, vision loss, nerve damage, cancer… Continue Reading

Snoring, Sleep Apnea Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes

Snoring is not only a major stressor in spousal relationships; it can also be a symptom of a deadly disease called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)…. Continue Reading

Can a New Chemical Peel Really Be Different?

The quest for skin rejuvenation and maintaining a youthful appearance dates back to the earliest civilizations. In fact, the use of chemical peels for skin… Continue Reading

Ways To Approach "Tough Conversations" With Mom Or Dad

Many adult children realize that they have no idea where their parents stand in terms of having the right plans in place to protect their… Continue Reading

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Stress Response

The mindless act of breathing is the most fundamental body function. This explains the focus of cardio-pulmonary-resuscitation (CPR) is first airway and breathing, then circulation…. Continue Reading

The Sleep-Diabetes Link

Sleep is an essential part of life, and poor sleep habits have been associated with a number health problems such as obesity, decreased immune function,… Continue Reading

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