Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Will Long-Term Care Break the Bank?

It is impossible to predict the type(s) of long-term care one will require and at what stage of life such care will be needed. How,… Continue Reading

The i-CAT Cone Beam Scanner

The i-CAT cone beam scanner has revolutionized the way we look at patients. Traditional dental x-rays give us an excellent view of problems in and… Continue Reading

Eliminating Stubborn Cellulite

Everyone knows what “cellulite” is it is that cottage cheese appearance that women get on their thighs and buttocks. No amount of exercising can make… Continue Reading

Rumination Lost In Our Thoughts

Thinking about our problems is, without doubt, part of an effective way of solving them. If we need to deal with one of our life… Continue Reading

Chalazia and Styes

About Eyelids The eyelids are very important they do much to protect the eyes from approaching objects and irritating particles in the air. When you… Continue Reading

The Emerging Practice Of Concierge Medicine

With an impending primary care physician shortage and an influx of newly insured patients with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, current patients are… Continue Reading

Calories In Equal Calories Out

Is losing weight as simple as the equation; calories in = calories out? There may be more that we need to consider on an individual… Continue Reading

Escape the Willpower Trap

“Willpower can produce short-term change, but it creates constant internal stress because you haven't dealt with the root cause.” – Rick Warren There is a… Continue Reading

Cancer Living In Balance

This is the infinite and enduring wisdom of the life process it gives and it takes. In between the giving and the taking that space… Continue Reading

Healing Your Mind

If you have cancer it is very important to know how to live with your cancer. Cancer starts because abnormal cells grow out of control…. Continue Reading

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