Berman Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Care Center
14 Pidgeon Hill Drive
Sterling, VA 20165
(703) 406-2444
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Eliminating Stubborn Cellulite
Everyone knows what “cellulite” is it is that cottage cheese appearance that women get on their thighs and buttocks. No amount of exercising can make it go away. It is often hereditary and can occur in marathon runners and other athletes. Until now, the myriad of skin creams and external lasers have been virtually useless. In March 2012, Cynosure became the only company to have a laser that has been accepted and approved by the FDA for long-term improvement of cellulite.
Cellulite occurs for three main reasons fat herniates into the skin, which causes bulges. Fibrous septae pull the skin inward, creating indents. And there is a decrease in collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, which leads to a change in the quality of the skin, causing it to look “different.” Studies have shown that up to 80 percent of women over 30 years old have cellulite.
The Cellulaze treatment can be done in the office of a trained physician, using only oral sedation, or, if only one area is being treated, the patient may elect to forgo sedation altogether. No IVs are used, and the patient needs to eat a good meal before coming to the office, so no fasting. A very tiny incision, two to three mm, is made for each area that needs treatment. There are usually four areas where cellulite can occur front, back, and side of the thigh and the buttock region. A tiny catheter is inserted, and a generous amount of local anesthetic is injected. Next, a tiny laser fiber, resembling the inside of a Bic pen, is inserted. Two different wavelengths come out of the laser, and these can be directed to address each of the above problems. No liposuction is performed. No sutures. You put on a pair of compression leggings, and your selected driver takes you home. You can return to work and shower the next day and can return to exercising in five days.
There can be some mild bruising and occasional mild discomfort. The improvement is usually seen in two weeks to two months after the procedure, and the improvement often continues for six months. It should be stressed that most women experience a definite improvement, but this does not eliminate the cellulite entirely in other words, the treatment is not perfect. Studies have shown that the improvement lasts at least two years, so we expect it to last many more years. There are very few side effects or problems.
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