Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Advanced Directives Are They For You?

Many people have asked their physicians and attorneys what they can do to avoid a Terry Schiavo-like case arising in their family.The key lesson that… Continue Reading

Make New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick With

Gosh, here we are again at the beginning of a new year. Holidays are over, and now we are performing that annual ritual of looking… Continue Reading

Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) – Part II

In Part II of this series, I will review one of the most common causes of infertility, the tubal factor, along with other conditions such… Continue Reading

Eye Catching Smile

If you dont have the confidence to smile, periodontal plastic surgery can help you “knock the socks off” of anyone by giving you a perfect… Continue Reading

Women and Heart Disease -" Beyond the Mask of Strengh

Since the beginning of time women have displayed power, strength, beauty and support for their families. Isis of ancient Egypt was the matriarch, and set… Continue Reading

Women and Hair Loss -" You Are Not Alone

You are not alone if you are troubled by thinning hair, and you dont understand why you are losing hair. Hair loss in women differs… Continue Reading

Wintertime Safety For the Elderly

Winter and the cold weather it brings poses risks for us all, but it can be especially dangerous for older people. Broken bones from falls… Continue Reading

Life and Yoga

Yoga can help give you a better quality of life. Yoga enhances your awareness. It makes you aware of your thoughts and actions. Yoga can… Continue Reading

Janice R. Trent, AuD

Hear the Sweet Sounds of the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time to reconnect with friends and family. It is filled with opportunities to dine together, sit around the fireplace or… Continue Reading

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a condition affecting adults as well as children. In the United States, an estimated 30-40 million people suffer from bruxism…. Continue Reading

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