Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Your Teenager Wants You To Know This

I have had the opportunity and the privilege to work with hundreds of teenagers in over two decades in the field of mental health. I… Continue Reading

Fostering Self-Control In Your Child

Teaching your child self-control skills will enable him to succeed socially, emotionally, and academically, and later enter society as a responsible and self-reliant adult. Unfortunately… Continue Reading

Help Your Child Suffering From Anxiety

Lately, Johnny has been very irritable, and does not want to go to school. You are often called by the school nurse because his stomach… Continue Reading

Pediatric Dental Home Healthy Smile, Healthy Child

Parents want the very best for their child, especially when it is related to healthcare. Thus, most parents have their child cared for and treated… Continue Reading

The Path To Teen Freedom Choice, Responsibility, and Trust

It is human nature to seek help only when in need. Parents typically do not call a therapist to brag about how great their family… Continue Reading

Back To School Fears How Much Is Too Much?

Here we are again, the days of sleeping in and swimming pools are behind us and it’s time for kids to get back into the… Continue Reading

Does Your Son Know the Routine By Now?

When you receive that blank stare of expression/eye-roll/shrug, etc. from your son, it probably has a good deal of emotion wrapped up in it. You… Continue Reading

Emotionally Healthy Teen Boys and Anxiety

The word anxious is frequently used to describe teenage boys, but what is anxiety anyway? The Storm Having to deal with multiple classes, time management,… Continue Reading

4 Strategies To Increase Social Skills In Children On the Autism Spectrum

The very nature of Asperger’s Syndrome requires some interventions around social skill development. This may however prove difficult given the lack of flexible thinking, limited… Continue Reading

Finding a Pediatrician

Having children is a big investment and growing them into healthy adults is not a simple process. You need to have support, insight, and expert… Continue Reading

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