Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Leaves Of Three, Let It Be

Most of us look forward to spending time outdoors enjoying the warm weather and nature's beauty. However, more time outdoors also has its risks. Seven… Continue Reading

Internet Safety

This year one in four US teen girls and one in seven boys reported that they met strangers in real life off the Internet. While… Continue Reading

Useful Tips for Your Child's Teeth

Having healthy teeth starts at a much earlier time than most people think, so here are some tips that can help you help your child… Continue Reading

Understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not always recognized which unfortunately results in a person unnecessarily suffering and not getting appropriate treatment. PTSD can develop after… Continue Reading

Summer Safety

Summer is a great time for kids and their families to have fun in the sun, but it is important to have summer safety at… Continue Reading

Building Blocks For Pre-School Development

Two important building blocks for a young child's development are early decision making skills and movement. Young children naturally want to learn about the world… Continue Reading

Sports Injuries In Children

Although childhood obesity is on the rise, 30 to 45 million children participate in some form of athletics. The National Center for Sports Safety reports… Continue Reading

Accurate Diagnosis Key To Relieving Spinal Arthritis Pain

Have you been experiencing chronic back or neck pain? You may be suffering from arthritis of the spine. Usually the result of normal wear and… Continue Reading

Childhood Obesity An Opportunity To Change

Change is a difficult task for most people. We develop particular habits and then when we have to alter those habits it seems an insurmountable… Continue Reading


Definition Insomnia includes having trouble falling or staying asleep. With insomnia, you usually awaken feeling unrefreshed, which takes a toll on your ability to function… Continue Reading

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