Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Using Your Flex Spending Account For Massage

It's no news that the economy is making people take a close look at their personal budgets and figuring out ways to cut spending. But… Continue Reading

TMJ Surgery Versus the Alternative Lightwire Functional Appliance

Individuals who have been diagnosed with a Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder usually also suffer from other symptoms such as fibromyalgia, facial pain, neck, and shoulder… Continue Reading

Ophthalmologists, More than Just Prescribing Glasses

Often, patients come to the ophthalmologist for a prescription for glasses or contacts, and are surprised to discover that he or she may offer many… Continue Reading

The Truth About Endermologie

Massage-Based Technology Feels Fantastic While Toning Your Body If the surveys I read are accurate most women are pretty unhappy with their bodies. The findings… Continue Reading

Clear Aligners Straighten Teeth

Have you thought about straightening your teeth but were concerned about the appearance of braces on your teeth? Well, now there is Invisalign. By using… Continue Reading

Relieve Neck, Back and Leg Pain from Herniated Disc

If youre experiencing acute or chronic pain in your neck and arms, or your lower back, or even your legs, you could be suffering from… Continue Reading

Women, Breathing, Sleep Apnea, Menopause, Posture and More, Part 2

Part Two of Three During the menopause period we see posture changes in women involving an increase in curvature of the lower neck and upper… Continue Reading

How To Preserve the Life of Your Hearing Aids

There are two main reasons why hearing aids may malfunction or just stop working all together. The first is corrosion of the receivers, which can… Continue Reading

How Your Diet Can Affect Your Dry Eyes

Are your eyes burning, red, itchy and even light sensitive? Does it feel like you have sand in your eyes? Does your vision occasionally blur… Continue Reading

Acupuncture Therapy For Stroke

More than 2,400 years ago the father of medicine, Hippocrates, recognized and described strokethe sudden onset of paralysis. In ancient times stroke was called apoplexy,… Continue Reading

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