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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Robert Brown, HIS
How To Preserve the Life of Your Hearing Aids
SONUS Hearing Care Professionals - Alexandria

How To Preserve the Life of Your Hearing Aids

There are two main reasons why hearing aids may malfunction or just stop working all together. The first is corrosion of the receivers, which can occur from exposure to moisture and can appear as distortion, weakness, intermittence (cutting in and out) or not working at all. Most of the damaging moisture can get inside your hearing aid(s) through condensation and perspiration. Condensation can occur when you go from an air-conditioned room to the hot outside air or when you enter cold air from a heated room. A Dri-Aid Kit is recommended to dehydrate a hearing aid more thoroughly.
The second reason is due to receivers that are clogged with earwax. Earwax can cause the hearing aids to work in the morning but by evening they may be weak or not working at all. Earwax is like a sponge. When it is dry, it shrinks and hardens, but when it absorbs moisture it swells and expands blocking sound from exiting the hearing aid. Routine checking and cleaning is recommended every four to six months.
Use your cleaning brush on the faceplate of the hearing aid to remove dirt from the volume control and battery compartment every day as instructed by your hearing instrument specialist or audiologist. Dirt, which transfers from your hands, can get inside your hearing aid(s) and cause a static-like sound when moving the volume control knob.
Remember, the average life of a hearing aid is about five years. It is important that you look after your hearing aid and clean it regularly to insure it is in good working order. Proper maintenance and care may extend the life of your hearing aid. Make it a habit to
1. Keep hearing aids away from heat and moisture
2. Clean hearing aids as instructed. Earwax and ear drainage can damage a hearing aid
3. Avoid using hairspray or other hair care products while wearing hearing aids
4. Turn off hearing aids when they are not in use
5. Replace dead batteries immediately
6. Keep replacement batteries and small aids away from children and pets
7. Schedule regular cleaning and maintenance with your hearing aid specialist or audiologist
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