Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Powers of Attorney May Not Be Enough

A power of attorney is a way to delegate your decision-making authority to someone else. People often ask “My daughter has my power of attorney,… Continue Reading

Massage & Aromatherapy

Despite the advancements in the massage therapy industry, including massage therapists status as licensed healthcare professionals, massage still retains an aura of luxury. Ask anyone… Continue Reading

Frequent Weight Fluctuations

This nation is obsessed with the subject of peoples weight. Every week we are flooded with newspaper, magazine and television articles reporting the latest news… Continue Reading

Does My Oral Health Affect My Overall Health?

When you have gum disease (technically known as periodontal disease or periodontitis), your overall health could suffer as well. Expectant mothers who experience significant gum… Continue Reading

Mini-Workouts For Busy People

If youre like most Americans, youd love to workout on a daily basis, but you just dont have the time. Even squeezing a 30-minute treadmill… Continue Reading

A Little Can Make A Difference 2009

The beginning of a new year is both exciting and daunting. No one knows what the future will bring, though one thing is known for… Continue Reading

Do You Have Tired Eyes?

Do you get asked if youve had a good nights sleep, even when you have? If so, you have “tired eyes,” a condition most people… Continue Reading

The Eye Care Team

Health care and the professionals who care for patients have really blossomed and changed dramatically over the years. With this expansion in the variety of… Continue Reading

What Are Pterygium and Chalazion?

Pterygium A pterygium is a pinkish, triangular-shaped tissue growth on the cornea. Some pterygia grow slowly throughout a person's life, while others stop growing after… Continue Reading

Why Do Varicose Veins Occur With Pregnancy?

Each year I treat over one thousand women seeking relief from the discomfort and appearance of varicose veins. The single most common medical history I… Continue Reading

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