Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Advocating For Yourself You and Your Health Practitioner

Paying a visit to the health care practitioner may often times produce anxiety and worry. This initial nervousness may be related to anticipation of findings,… Continue Reading

Health and Wellness Coaching Moving From Stuck To Unstuck

Sometimes we know exactly what to do, and I mean exactly, and we just don't do it. Why? Something gets in our way and blocks… Continue Reading

Exercise and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome, or FMS, is a chronic disorder that causes pain in your muscles and joints and is characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, stiffness… Continue Reading

New Technology In Eye Care

Computers have changed our lives in many ways. They have helped with rapid technology advances; for example designing more efficient engines. This technology advance also… Continue Reading

The Psychology Of the Patient Seeking Cosmetic Surgery

The only constant in life is change. Whether it involves the political landscape, the social standards, or the fact that our physical appearance is also… Continue Reading

Rising Rates Of Infertility In America

One out of every six couples in America are having trouble conceiving naturally but Professor Bill Ledger from Sheffield University warned this could rise to… Continue Reading

It Helps To Lose

Losing excess weight is beneficial for two reasons It can make you feel better and it lowers your risk for illness and helps you live… Continue Reading

Cosmetic Surgery the Dream, the Promise

What would be the perfect cosmetic surgery option for patients? What is it that patients want and need? When building an office or surgery center… Continue Reading

Eyebrow Evaluation In Eyelid Surgery

A comprehensive evaluation of the eyelids requires an understanding of the intimate connection of the eyelids to the eyebrows. Many patients are interested in cosmetic… Continue Reading

A Smile Check For Whitening Teeth

Look at your teeth as you smile. Are the teeth more yellow than white? Are there stains or spots on the teeth that brushing won't… Continue Reading

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