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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
E. Taylor Meiser, DDS, PA
A Smile Check For Whitening Teeth
Lighthouse Family Dentistry
. http://lighthousefamilydentistry.com/

A Smile Check For Whitening Teeth

Look at your teeth as you smile. Are the teeth more yellow than white? Are there stains or spots on the teeth that brushing won't get off? Have you tried all those whitening toothpastes but not much seems to happen? Wouldn't you want whiter teeth if you could have them? But how?

Modern dentistry now has teeth whitening systems that can readily whiten your teeth up to ten shades in one hour. The whitening procedure is safe, comfortable and long lasting (one to three years). The in-office chairside, one hour whitening treatment has replaced the older method of using bleaching trays at home over a period of weeks. The take-home, use at home, do-it-yourself tray system is still available and works, but it is less convenient, less comfortable, and takes more time and effort to see results. The chairside one-hour whitening system is now the much preferred treatment of choice by both dentists and patients. Practically everyone can get their teeth whitened and can expect to see very good, if not dramatic results.

Only your dentist can diagnose and determine if whitening can work for you and what type of treatment you need. Contact your dentist for a consultation about whitening. If you haven't been to a dentist for a while or had your teeth cleaned recently, you will probably need to get an appropriate cleaning done before any whitening treatments can begin.

Also, be prepared to pay out of pocket for whitening treatments as it is a cosmetic procedure not covered by dental insurance. Prices range from $450 and up for the chairside one hour treatment to a little less for the take-home trays. Professional grade Crest Whitening Strips are available at some dental offices for around $60 to $75 and can give decent results.

Over-the-counter whitening products, like make-your-own trays, whitening strips, whitening toothpastes, and special rinses and chewing gums can not do much real whitening. However, if you have had your teeth whitened professionally first, these products can help keep your teeth whiter longer and even enhance the primary professional treatment.

The best results will always come with the best treatment procedure. The best treatment procedure is clearly the one-hour chairside in-office whitening procedure performed under the direct care and supervision of a dental professional, your dentist.

Do your own smile check for whitening your teeth today and call your dentist for a whitening consultation. A whiter, brighter smile you can be happy to show to everyone could be only an hour away. ?

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