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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anne C. Crowley, MAc, LAc
Health and Wellness Coaching Moving From Stuck To Unstuck
LaPlata Acupuncture and Healing Arts
. http://www.laplataacupuncture.com

Health and Wellness Coaching Moving From Stuck To Unstuck

Sometimes we know exactly what to do, and I mean exactly, and we just don't do it. Why? Something gets in our way and blocks us from taking one step forward. We may even be in the middle of things and something puts up the stop sign and we get stuck stuck in the mud where we are. What are those blocks and how do we get around them?

A recent study showed that if we just make four changes in our lives it increases our life span by 14 years those are no smoking, one to 14 alcohol drinks per week, at least a half hour of physical activity a day, and 4 to 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. Four life changes per day/week that could radically alter our life span. We know it, we just don't do it.

Life coaching can be a miraculous way to navigate these obstacles. This coaching is called co-active coaching because you, the client, are really setting the agenda. The coach does not determine for you what your true values are, and dreams of living your life. The coach merely keeps you on track with what you know to be true for yourself. So, the coaching is really “you” showing up big in your life, taking control, and living your life according to your values and dreams. The skill of the coach is to move you in the direction of reaching those dreams.

Health and wellness coaching is not only about the body, but of course the mind and our spirit the part of us that is not analyzing constantly. The coaching can go in at any place in your life you choose to work with and expand to all areas of your life. The client sets the agenda.

Where in your life do you want to go from stuck to unstuck? Set your agenda now and allow your life coach to guide you to your dreams.

Some Steps to Consider

What is really important in your life?

What is blocking you from doing that?

Do you want to gain more control of your agenda?

Are you ready to “live big” in your life?

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