Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treating Chronic Pain With Acupuncture

If you have been suffering from pain, whether it be low back pain, knee stiffness, tennis elbow, or plantar fasciitis, you may have already tried… Continue Reading

A New Way To Relax With Magnesphere

Magneceutical Health has developed the Magnesphere system, a whole body immersion system that utilizes very precise, extremely low level electromagnetic fields (EMF) to “enhance feelings… Continue Reading

Watch Your Language!

Sometimes, language in an employer's insurance policy spells trouble for people filing for long-term disability Insurance companies always seem to be trying everything they can… Continue Reading

Healthy Boundaries In Intimate Relationships

Successful intimate relationships are composed of two people who each have a clearly defined sense of their own identity. Without our own understanding of self,… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Botox and Dermal Fillers Attain a More Youthful Look

The number one non-invasive cosmetic treatment in the Unites States is a simple 10 minute procedure where you inject an ingredient to banish wrinkles and… Continue Reading

Obesity Management The Oriental Medicine Way

Obesity can be defined as the excessive accumulation of fat, to the extent that health may be impaired. In the last several decades, the prevalence… Continue Reading

Dentistry's MouthBody Connection

Did you skip out on your dental checkup this winter because the weather was particularly harsh? Well the winter is over and it's time for… Continue Reading

The Power Of Healing Energy

Chios (pronounced Chee’ ohss) Energy Healing is a relatively new yet very comprehensive energy healing system employing powerful and effective aura and chakra healing techniques…. Continue Reading

The Myoelectric Hand

Finding the perfect prosthetic limb is a very personal journey for anyone who is missing a limb because of the uniqueness of each limb that… Continue Reading

When It Hurts

What to do in an exercise classes if you have an injury. A participant in one of my classes asked me a great question. Her… Continue Reading

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