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Botox and Dermal Fillers Attain a More Youthful Look
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Botox and Dermal Fillers Attain a More Youthful Look

The number one non-invasive cosmetic treatment in the Unites States is a simple 10 minute procedure where you inject an ingredient to banish wrinkles and fine lines. Botox has been used for years in Hollywood off label and was approved for cosmetic use by the FDA in April 2002 to treat moderate to severe frown lines. Dysport was FDA approved in April 2009. So, you are wondering, “What is Botox or Dysport?”

Botox and Dysport contain purified protein produced by botulinum bacteria. This protein works by blocking the communication between nerves and muscles. Basically, the nerves are simply unable to tell the muscles to contract. When muscles are not able to contract, wrinkles decrease and you have a smoother appearance. And, in some patients the wrinkles disappear.

The other procedure that rejuvenates with minimal downtime is dermal fillers, which include Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse and Juvederm. Dermal fillers can lift the cheeks, fill in wrinkles and provide volume. According to Rhonda Narins, MD, professor of dermatology at NY Medical Center in New York City, that’s just the beginning. “What’s really significant is that we can now use these fillers to volumize skin anywhere on the face, so you can really sculpt a lifted, youthful look without surgery.”

It is exciting to know that you can now soften the signs of aging with a wide range of non-surgical procedures for the face in a matter of few minutes. Areas on the face that are commonly filled by dermal filler are

Nasal labial folds (the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth)

Lift the cheeks in a natural way without down time

Volumize cheeks, lips and chin

Lines above the upper and lower lips (“smoker’s lines”)

Marionette lines

Tighten around and under

the eyes

Lift corner of lips

Correct facial asymmetry

The newest and latest craze is the Injectible Threadlift. This is where you use a variety of fillers to lift the desired area.

The provider will be able to lift areas on the face including the eyebrows, jowls, lips and corners of the mouth. Ultimately, dermal fillers help stimulate your body’s own natural collagen production to help maintain a more youthful glow.

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