Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Five Pain Management Alternatives To Painkillers

Governor Hogan’s recent state of Maryland initiatives in launching an emergency task force to combat the devastating heroin and opioid epidemic has raised awareness among… Continue Reading

Dental Pain and Solutions

People often dwell on the pain of a toothache. Tooth pain can lead to other pain such as A sharp or throbbing with swelling around… Continue Reading

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Get Help To Reduce Symptoms

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is a condition that affects nearly every woman at some point in her life. DUB, also referred to as abnormal uterine… Continue Reading

Pain, A Treasure Map of Discovery

We have all experienced pain through an injury. I am sure we have never stood up and screamed, “Hurray, I've injured myself.” In most cases,… Continue Reading

Reiki To Treat Pain and Anxiety

Nearly 50 million American adults have significant chronic pain or severe pain, according to a 2015 study prepared by the National Institutes of Health's National… Continue Reading

Knee Pain Patients Get Relief From Non-Rx Holistic Methods

Knee pain can be devastating to the quality of a patient's health, at any age. Taking the stairs, even walking up a short landing, can… Continue Reading

What Is a PT's Philosophy?

Physical therapy is often recommended by physicians and practitioners for many different ailments, injuries and diagnoses as a corrective or maintenance measure. Physical therapists strive… Continue Reading

Vertigo A Chiropractic Perspective

Episodes of vertigo and/or dizzy spells occur at some point in most people's lives. Although both result in a sensation of unsteadiness, each is experienced… Continue Reading

Are You Depressed? Novel Ketamine Therapy May Offer Fast-Acting Relief

Depression is a common, but serious, mood disorder that affects people in different ways. Many people experience overall sadness, apathy, and a loss of energy… Continue Reading

Massage As Preventative Medicine

None of ustake enough breaks. In fact, a lot ofoursense of self and identity are wrapped up in the fact thatwedo too much and never… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130