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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.
What Is a PT's Philosophy?
La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.
. http://www.laplatapt.com/

What Is a PT's Philosophy?

Physical therapy is often recommended by physicians and practitioners for many different ailments, injuries and diagnoses as a corrective or maintenance measure.

Physical therapists strive to provide rehabilitative and preventative physical therapy services to those individuals for whom it is deemed medically necessary. In order to provide comprehensive quality care for all ages, physical therapy management diligently works to create an environment that encourages, nurtures and cares for its employees.

In turn, employees are then able to provide quality, hands-on care to the greatest gift, the patients.

Hands-on care programs provided by most physical therapy offices include
Low-impact aquatics,
Back care,
Fall risk,
Pre- and post-surgical joint replacement,
lymphedema and

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