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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jocelyn Walker, DA
Dental Pain and Solutions
Team Dental at River Oaks
. https://www.teamdentalatriveroaks.com/

Dental Pain and Solutions

People often dwell on the pain of a toothache. Tooth pain can lead to other pain such as

A sharp or throbbing with swelling around the tooth,

Fever or headache,

Tooth pain when consuming hot or cold drinks,

Tooth pain when eating sweet snacks, and/or,

Sensitivity of the teeth when biting or chewing food.

A toothache and the results of a toothache effect your whole day, and all the activities you want to do. There are a lot of remedies you may follow but the truth of the matter is that medication will only get you brief relief from pain and symptoms.

Dental pain can be a result of tooth decay or gum disease. While a visit to the dentist is recommended to find the cause of an ache, temporary relief can often come from over the counter analgesics, such as Advil. Some may not know that Advil is the #1 recommended pain relievers by dentists nationwide.

That's not to say this is going to cure that pain forever. You will still need to make a visit to your local dentist to find out the cause of the pain and get a permanent solution.

The best way to avoid this problem is following good oral hygiene. Proper brushing, flossing, use of mouthwash, avoiding tobacco, limitations on sweets, consuming calcium, and visiting your dentist on a regular basis like we all know we should. It is not surprising that people who don't go to their regular dental appointments are more likely to have dental pain and the associated problems and symptoms.

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