Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Halitosis Bacteria Gone Bad

Bad breath severe, chronic halitosis is a serious problem for those who have it. This insidious condition causes untold anguish in personal and professional lives…. Continue Reading

State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can help you hear better on the phone, watching TV, in a theater, and even in a noisy restaurant. Latest technology computer-programmed hearing… Continue Reading

Chinese Medicine and Nutrition

Chinese medicine has several aspects. Acupuncture is the one most people are familiar with and Chinese herbal medicine is a close second. Other aspects include… Continue Reading

Kybella 101 The Double Chin Remover

The dreaded double chin is one of the most difficult spots to correct, even with regular exercise and a proper diet. Whether you've always struggled… Continue Reading

Did You Know? Statistics On Hearing Loss

Having a hearing loss today is not as uncommon as one may believe. However, it seems as if seeking treatment is less likely to occur… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

Many people ask if acupuncture can help them lose weight. If there were specific acupuncture points that could help people lose weight, the profession would… Continue Reading

Moral Vision and Impaired Insight

A health care provider's own ethics and morality, which determines what matters and is meaningful, of what has value and worth, of what deserves respect… Continue Reading

Providing Respite For the Family Caregiver

Progress is being made on the homefront for those caring for family members suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia. Currently, about two-thirds of Americans with those… Continue Reading

Six Secrets Of Fall and Holiday Beauty

It's hard to believe that fall and the holiday season are now just weeks away, even though we are still enjoying the last days of… Continue Reading

Dental Implants

The root form implants that have become very popular today were approved for use in the U.S. in the mid 80's. These implants are made… Continue Reading

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