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What is Liposuction? Liposuction involves suctioning body fat through small, inconspicuous incisions to re-contour the body and reduce excess fat deposits. Who is it for?… Continue Reading

Dogs + Diets = Delicious

Sixty-five percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Forty percent of our pets are too. Obesity contributes to a shortened life span, heart disease, diabetes,… Continue Reading

Obesity Surgery Improves Health

Most patients are very satisfied with the results of their gastric bypass operation. Overwhelmingly, patients find that they lose 50 to 90 percent of their… Continue Reading

Why Don’t You Weigh What You Want To?

Most people with long-term weight struggles have lost weight; often lots of weight, often many times. Also, most people with long-term weight problems have exercised;… Continue Reading

Dietary Myths Demystified

As the excess of the holidays wanes, it seems a natural inclination to prepare lighter, simpler meals. And whether one holds a firm resolve to… Continue Reading

Start Managing Your Weight

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you contemplate taking control of your weight. 1. Are you ready to find other ways to self-sooth,… Continue Reading

Dietitians Helps With Weight Loss

During your first appointment, your dietitian will discuss your typical eating pattern and your lifestyle. Relax, dietians have counseled literally thousands of clients. They are… Continue Reading

Eating Habits That Can Harm Teeth

Many parents across the country will issue a common refrain at dinnertime tonight “Youd better eat thatits good for you!” Theres another old favorite in… Continue Reading

Spring Dieting

With the advent of spring and warmer weather come thoughts of dieting. Diets are always in the news, but how discouraging is it to start… Continue Reading

Nutrition and Prostate Cancer

Most men know the importance of annual exams and PSA tests in detecting prostate cancer in its earliest stages. An equally important area of concern… Continue Reading

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