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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Allen A. Farsaii, MD
Nutrition and Prostate Cancer
Germantown Urology Center

Nutrition and Prostate Cancer

Most men know the importance of annual exams and PSA tests in
detecting prostate cancer in its earliest stages. An equally important area of concern is prevention. While the exact cause of prostate cancer is still in debate, investigators in the U.S., Europe and other parts of the world agree that diet and nutritional factors, without a doubt, have a direct correlation to the risk of getting prostrate cancer.
The following are suggested dietary changes
Avoid Animal Fat Several studies show a higher fat diet may increase serum hormone (testosterone).
Use Soybeans Soybeans are rich in isoflavonoids which are believed to play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. Countries that have a diet high in soybean products, such as Japan, have much lower prostate cancer rates.
Selenium Available in supplemental products.
Lycopene A natural pigment that is present in tomatoes and tomato products. Lycopene is also available in a pill or capsule format in most health food or vitamin stores.
Vitmain E In many vegetables and fruits, sold by itself or in combination with other vitamins.
Vitamin D Used to not only prohibit growth of prostate cancer, but in one study it was actually used to treat prostate cancer.
Improving your dietary regimen and increasing your physical activity will help to reduce your risk of getting prostate cancer.
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