Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Diets Don’t Work

The statistics related to weight-related health problems in the United States are staggering. More than 60% of Americans are overweight and 25% are considered obese… Continue Reading

The Skinny on the Low Carb Craze

As you walk through your average grocery store, food products screaming, “Low Carb, 0 grams of Carbs” brightly line the aisles. With the latest “carbophobia”… Continue Reading

Getting Your Fruits and Vegetables

Many dietitians suggest that consumers begin their grocery shopping trip by walking around the perimeter aisles of the store. Why the perimeter you ask? That… Continue Reading

A Trip To the Market

Shopping at the grocery store these days can be a hassle with so many products, and so much to choose from. If your ultimate goal… Continue Reading

Shorts and Bathing Suits, Oh My!

If the idea of putting on shorts or your bathing suit makes you cringe, it is not too late to do something about it. Forget… Continue Reading

Phytochemicals "The Healing Foods of Our Time"

There has been much talk about health foods, organic foods, low-fat foods, raw foods, unprocessed foods, and chemically treated foods over these past five years…. Continue Reading

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