Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

How To Lose Weight Naturally

According to the latest Gallup-Healthways finding, 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were either overweight or obese in 2009. The survey found that 59.2% of… Continue Reading

A Grocery List For Healthy Teeth

It's not always so easy to be healthy at the grocery store with sweet sodas and juices, gooey bakery treats, and sugary candies practically jumping… Continue Reading

Gluten-Free The New Diet Buzz

The gluten-free diet is beginning to infiltrate northern Virginia. Herndon just welcomed a pizza place that has a gluten free insert in its menu. Several… Continue Reading

Banish the Bulge and Treat Cellulite

As we age, we tend to start noticing many changes within our bodies including loose skin, unsightly bulges, fat accumulation and cellulite. Factors that affect… Continue Reading

Tasty Guilt-free Summertime Treats

When it is hot outside, the last thing you want to do is make meals that heat up the kitchen. Keep your cool with these… Continue Reading


What is negative self-talk doing to your weight management? What conversations are you having in your head? Would you want someone else to hear them?… Continue Reading

Five Ways To Lose Belly Fat

Are you frustrated or even angry with all the misinformation, gadgets and programs that try to tell you how to get rid of belly fat?… Continue Reading

Four Tips For Working Moms To Stay Fit

From working a full-time job to running kids to school functions and managing a household, moms hardly have a spare moment. But, working moms still… Continue Reading

Do You Have Diet Burnout?

If you ever had a lot of weight to lose you probably have been there. You feel like a burnt piece of toast from the… Continue Reading

Mental Well-Being and Obesity

As someone with a history of obesity I know what it is like. Being fat can influence mental well-being and mental health issues can contribute… Continue Reading

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