Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Kidney Stones The Most Common Causes

Kidney stones have various causes 1. Calcium oxalate stones are caused by unusually excessive amounts of calcium in the urine (if there is an obstruction… Continue Reading

Heel Pain Shock Wave Therapy

It can be easily said that seven out of ten people walking into a podiatrists office suffer from heel pain, also known as plantar fasciitis…. Continue Reading

Treating Myofascial Pain

Myofascial pain is a common muscle pain condition that is often overlooked in medical and clinical practice settings. It can be acute or chronic, and… Continue Reading

Be Comfy In the Garden

Gardening helps you stay in shape, but since your muscles are doing tasks theyre not used to, it can also lead to aches and pains…. Continue Reading

What Is Manual Physical Therapy?

Most people understand the general concept that physical therapy involves various types of exercise, rehabilitation from disability, perhaps some massage, or electrical or heat and… Continue Reading

Neuroma Facts

Have you ever experienced tingling, numbness, and sharp-shooting pain between your toes? Dont be surprised, but you may have Mortons neuroma. Mortons neuroma is a… Continue Reading

Osteoarthritis Stay Active and Independent

What is arthritis? Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. It causes pain and usually also limits movement of the joints that are affected. There are… Continue Reading

The Infamous Disc

Slipped, bulged, blown, ruptured, herniated and protruding. No, this isnt your constipated colon after a chili cook off! These are some of the many terms… Continue Reading

Chronic Headaches?

Headaches are one of the most common reasons for people to see their primary care physician and account for twenty percent of outpatient visits to… Continue Reading

CORE Increase Your Performance

Chronic pain and tension in the body are often caused by injuries such as sprains and strains, overuse, lack of exercise, poor posture and dehydration…. Continue Reading

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