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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Allen A. Farsaii, MD
Kidney Stones The Most Common Causes
Germantown Urology Center

Kidney Stones The Most Common Causes

Kidney stones have various causes
1. Calcium oxalate stones are caused by unusually excessive amounts of calcium in the urine (if there is an obstruction in the urinary tract the risk is increased). The increased calcium could be a result of your consumption of large amounts of dairy products or the result of excessive absorption of calcium from the stomach, even though you are on a regular diet. This condition, called absorptive hypercalciuria, is hereditary.
2. A renal calcium leak is another condition that causes calcium oxalate stones. It is a hereditary condition. In this condition, the kidney can not handle the normal amounts of calcium entering into it. Instead of filtering the calcium back to the blood, calcium leaks into the urine and forms a stone.
3. Hyperactivity of the parathyroid gland is another cause of calcium stone formation. Its role is calcium regulation of the body. Hyperactivity causes excessive bone reabsorption and increased urinary calcium. Paraplegic patients can develop calcium stones as a result of immobility and calcium re-absorption.
4. Idiopathic The causes of the calcium stone is unknown.
5. Renal tubular acidosis is another hereditary condition which may cause repeated attacks of kidney stones, despite conservation and surgical treatment.
Treatment options of calcium stones that are more than 4-5 millimeters and that are not passed spontaneously include basketing, laser or lithotripsy. An advantage of the last two procedures is the patient may return to work the next day.
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