Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Home Health Beneficial At Any Age

Did You Know That You Can Access Home Health Care At Any Age? Most people think that home healthcare services are only beneficial to seniors…. Continue Reading

Psychological Testing? What's That?

When something is wrong, most people go to their doctor and undergo various types of testing (blood work, vital signs etc.) before their doctor diagnoses… Continue Reading

I Have Picked a Few Pediatricians, Now What?

There are some obvious priorities when choosing a pediatrician like location, insurance, and reputation, but there are a few more things you might consider before… Continue Reading

Help For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract…. Continue Reading

The Annual "Physical" the Ultimate Preventive Health Tool, Or a Waste Of Time?

Do you really need an annual physical? My answer It depends on what you do at the “physical”. Physician groups, medical administrators, and insurance companies… Continue Reading

Spring Has Sprung In Virginia!

After a record-setting winter, paralyzing snow storms and icy conditions, most of us are ready for spring like never before! Mild sunny days, daffodils, and… Continue Reading

Know the 10 Signs Early Detection Matters

Your memory often changes as you grow older. But memory loss that disrupts daily life is not a typical part of aging. It may be… Continue Reading

Food, Chemicals and Your Brain

This month, I want to address chemicals found in processed foods and neurological health. Many of the studies about these additives were done on animals…. Continue Reading

Medical Alert Systems For When You Fall

Approximately 13.3 million people age 65 and older will experience a fall this year. On average that is one fall every 2.3 seconds. This doesn't… Continue Reading

Stress and a Glass of Water

Here is a lovely metaphor about stress; the author is unknown. While leading a seminar on the topic of stress management, a young lady confidently… Continue Reading

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