Steinmetz Integrative & Functional Medicine Center
1225 Martha Custis Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 671-2700

More Family/Primary Care Articles
The Annual "Physical" the Ultimate Preventive Health Tool, Or a Waste Of Time?
Do you really need an annual physical? My answer It depends on what you do at the “physical”. Physician groups, medical administrators, and insurance companies are taking a long hard look at whether there is continuing value in seeing your doctor once a year for preventive and ongoing healthcare issues. Some argue that a checklist of recommended screening can be accomplished at other acute care visits, and some say there is no value to the “ritual laying-on of hands” patients receive at an annual visit.
The physical checkup should be looked at as an annual health review. Every medication and supplement you are taking should be reviewed. Questions like whether you are still benefitting from its use, or whether it could be discontinued or changed should be asked. Your lifestyle habits-eating, exercise, sleep, and stress adaptation- should be investigated to see if you are having problems or need any help in these areas. Lastly, a review on your immunizations should be done to see if you are up to date. Doctors can also use this opportunity to look at long range trends in your lab work and see if long term health goals are in reach.
At last, we get to the actual physical examination. So much more than a cursory examination, we look at you from head to toe, searching for clues.
Are your nose and throat showing signs of allergies and immune system stimulation?
Does your thyroid feel normal or enlarged?
Is your heart rhythm regular or erratic?
Is your blood pressure inching up into a worrisome range?
Is your body mass index right for you or are you carrying too much weight for your frame?
Are you gaining weight around the middle indicating you may be overworking your adrenal glands?
Is your abdomen tender indicating an internal problem?
Does your skin indicate a lack of essential fatty acids or show changes suggestive of early
Do you need a careful examination of the breasts or genitals?
By taking the time and doing a thorough job, a physical examination can provide you with truly
preventive care.
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