Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Tips About Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be embarrassing and cause anxiety. There are many different causes of bad breath but the most frequent is… Continue Reading

Why Your Teeth Are a Good Investment In Yourself

It is important not to underestimate the power of a healthy, beautiful smile. When you take good care of your teeth, this can provide you… Continue Reading

Rishita Jaju, DMD

Do You Know About the Mouth-Body Connection?

A dental visit is for teeth right? Parents forget that a visit with the pediatric dentist is an “oral health check-up”. When pediatric dentists advise… Continue Reading

Inflammation At the Corners Of Your Lips: Angular Chelitis/Angular Stomatitis

Do you get inflammation at the corners of your lips?  This could be angular chelitis, or stomatitis, which is common in adults, especially older adults…. Continue Reading

Bad Breath: What If Mouthwash, Mints, and Gums Don’t Work?

If you are one of the 65 million Americans with bad breath, you’ve probably tried most of the products on the market to treat your… Continue Reading

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes

Adults who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea are three times more likely to also have diabetes, according to study published in the Journal of Oral… Continue Reading

The Mouth-Body Connection Your Oral Hygiene Helps Keep You Well

Smile big, and smile proud. Take care of your mouth, for it may be the first step in achieving great overall medicinal health. There have… Continue Reading

Advancements To Improve Your Smile

The advent of cosmetic dentistry has made patients more aware of the benefits of a healthy smile. The industry has made several advances to make… Continue Reading

DNA Appliance Therapy For Sleep Apnea and TMJ

The Daytime Nighttime Appliance® (DNA) is a removable appliance that works by widening the upper arch and nasal passages allowing more airflow to pass through…. Continue Reading

Embarrassed By Your Breath?

Are you afraid to be close to people? Do you shy away from social gatherings? Do people move away when you get near? Feel stagnant… Continue Reading

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